Speach & Language Program
When: June 21 to August 5 (2 days per week)
Hours: 9 am - 11 am or 1 pm to 3 pm
Ages: 3 to 8
Theme-based program designed for children with speech and language delays or disorders— All groups will be led by ASHA Certified Speech Language Pathologists
Cost: $250 ($50 deposit required) / Registration deadline: June 11
Contact Chanda Lichtsinn, SLP to register or for more information at 260.483.2100 or chanda@turnstone.org
Handwriting Camp
When: Thursdays, once a week, from June 24 to July 29
Hours: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Ages: Child must have completed Kindergarten
This camp will help children struggling with printing. Children will work on forming letters, spacing between words and lines and on how to correctly hold a pencil.
Cost: $200
Registration deadline: June 14 / Payment deadline: June 24
Contact Krista Vaughan, OT at 260-483-2100 or krista@turnstone.org for more information.