Tuesday, December 22, 2009

disAbilities Expo - Workshops

Our workshops have been set for the disAbilities Expo, scheduled for April 10, 2010. Below is a listing of our speakers and topics...

Health & Wellness - Dr. Rudy Kachmann of the Mind Body Institute

Bringing You Protected Tomorrows: Your Journey Through an Eight Step Special Needs Planning Program - Mary Anne Ehlert of Protected Tomorrows

Sibling Panel - Rebecca Kirby of About Special Kids

Universal Design -Ramesh Gulatee, Architect Principal, Lifecare Design Studio

Social Networking -Fifth Freedom

Canine Assist Dogs & You - Assistance Dogs of America, Inc.

Intensive Pediatric Therapy - Euro-Peds

Caregiver Support - Aging & In-Home Services

Re-Creating Recreation - Karen Bone, CTRS, Therapeutic Recreation Department, Illinois Neurological Institute

Canine Assist Dogs & You - Indiana Canine Assist Network

Bridging the Gap: Therapy & Education - Chanda Lichtsinn, SLP & Adrianne Lyon, MA

Traveling on Wheels - Cindy Atkinson, Assistives Travel

Veteran’s Needs - Tom Glen, Indendpendent Living Center

Aquatic Therapy - Deb Guebard, PT

Emergency Preparedness -American Red Cross

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Emergency Preparedness

All -

This just arrived in my in box on emergency preparedness, check it out at:


disAbilities Expo Underway

Good afternoon everyone -

I have blogged about the disAbilities Expo before, but I wanted everyone to the website that has been created for the Expo.

Check it out at: http://www.turnstone.org/expo/


Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Decorating

This weekend a friend and I were discussing our favorite holiday decorations. I enjoy Santa on the side of the bank downtown, while he enjoys the giant wreath. Both are fantastic displays of the upcoming holidays - not only do the brighten the night, they also brighten our hearts.

The holidays are a time for giving thanks, enjoying good company and good food. This year, Turnstone will be doing all three. The holidays are a busy time for us. Tomorrow we will be decorating for the holidays. We will be transforming our gym just in time for the client holiday party. It is a great party and brings everyone together. We even have an Elvis impersonator--and dancing.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Good afternoon & Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you everyone for your support of Turnstone. You help us achieve our mission. Your investment in our programs and services is appreciated. Thank you for all you do.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On December 3 the people across the world will be recognize The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year's theme is "Making the MDGs Inclusive: Empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities around the world."

This annual observance began in 1992 and has continued every year since. It promotes an understanding of disability issues, the rights of persons with disabilities and the gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of the political, social, economic and cultural life of their communities.

How will you celebrate?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

FW Street Rod Donates $7,000 to Turnstone

This past August, the Fort Wayne Street Rod held its 35th Annual Muddy River Run; and, as they have done for the past 25 years, the Fort Wayne Street Rod will donate the proceeds from the Muddy River Run to Turnstone. The 25+ members of the Fort Wayne Street Rod will join Turnstone on Sunday, November 15 at 5 p.m. to celebrate another successful year; at approximately 5:10 p.m. they will present a check to Turnstone, which will be accepted by an adult receiving services at the agency.

As a small token of Turnstone’s thanks, the staff will serve homemade desserts and beverages to the Street Rodders, who in their 25 years has donated over $435,000 to the agency. Many thanks go to the Fort Wayne Street Rod Association. Organizing numerous community activities throughout the year, the Fort Wayne Street Rod has been a great supporter of Allen County. Turnstone greatly appreciates this year’s gift and their support.

Check out the article on the Fort Wayne Street Rod in the Journal Gazette at:

Monday, November 9, 2009

National Philanthropy Day

Good morning -

On Thursday, November 12 philanthropists across the nation will be celebrated. The 12th is National Philanthropy Day. For the past three years, Turnstone has celebrated this important day by thanking its donors for all they do. Of the agency's annual $3.2 million operating budget, more than 60% is supported through philanthropic support. Our donors make our mission work possible.

Approximately 90 of our favorite donors will be celebrated on the 12th and the National Philanthropy Day luncheon. Turnstone nominated St. Charles School 4th Grade Class as the area's Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy--and they won! For more than a decade, St. Charles students have organized a Read-a-Thon. All the proceeds of the Read-a-Thon support Turnstone's adaptive sports and recreation program. Over the years, the students have more than a total of $20,000!

Thank you St. Charles and thank you to all of our supporters. Your generosity helps turn disabilities into possibilities.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Parade

This past week, Turnstone was celebrating Halloween in the Early Center preschool and childcare as well as in the Adult Day Program. We had two Halloween parades, and the kiddos were cute as buttons! There were blue dinosaurs, monster MAC trucks, princesses, super heros and more! The Adult Day staff did it up right too. They dressed to the nines.

It'll be hard to beat, but I'm sure this week will be just as fun as last. I'll keep you posted.

Cheers -

Monday, October 26, 2009

Holiday Card

Earlier in the month, Turnstone had the photo shoot for our annual holiday card. This year's shoot was fantastic. 9 kids will be on the card - so it made for a really fun time! The parents of the children were fantastic also. Look for this year's card in December! And, it's early, but we're already looking for 2010 card ideas - if you have an idea, shoot me an email, the more the merrier!

Cheers ~

Monday, October 19, 2009

ICAAN Grant a Reality

On Tuesday, October 13 at 9 am, Turnstone formally announced the receipt of its U.S. Department of Education grant award for Project I CAAN. Project I CAAN (Inclusive Community Athletics and Activities Now), builds on Turnstone’s existing adaptive sports and leisure programs currently offered by the agency for people with physical disabilities.

The grant award will fund Project I CAAN for three years. The grant award will fund $135,000 (64%) of the $210,000 program budget. In year one, the agency will receive $60,000. In year two, the agency will receive $45,000 and in year three, $30,000. Over 100 agencies from across the nation applied to the Department of Education / Rehabilitation Services Administration Recreational Programs funding opportunity. Turnstone is one of 10 agencies successful in receiving support.

Through Project I CAAN, Turnstone will address the significant lack of opportunities and infrastructure for participation in recreational activities, creative arts, competitive sports, socialization, and community integration for people with physical disabilities in northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio. Project I CAAN will expand the array of sports and leisure activities available to people with physical disabilities and sight loss living in northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio.

Many thanks to Chancellor Wartell of IPFW, US Representative Mark Souder (in the photo above), Turnstone Board Chair Tracy Shellabarger, the representative of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation and all our other supporters for joining us on the 13th to annouce the grant award.
Cheers -

Friday, October 16, 2009

Corvette Raffle Closes

On October 15th at 6pm Turnstone’s board chair, Tracy Shellabarger, pulled then winning corvette raffle ticket. The winner is Gene Bokovitz of Massillon, OH ticket # 14908. Over 18,600 tickets were sold to over 3,600 people from around the world. Turnstone’s 6th annual Corvette Raffle grossed over $139,500. The proceeds of the event will support Turnstone’s vital therapeutic programs and services provided to children and adults with disabilities.

Turnstone’s 6th Annual Corvette Raffle was sponsored by FUN 101.7, Steel Dynamics,
Indiana Michigan Power and Kruse International.

Indiana Raffle License #116232

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fort 4 Fitness Fun

Good morning!

Saturday was AMAZING! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event. The organizers of the race did a top notch job. Everything was splendid - I'm not sure how they controlled the weather - but it was a beautiful day!

50 people joined the 2009 Team Turnstone. Together they have raised over $8,000 and the figure continues to grow. I couldn't have imagined such an outpouring of support. Well done Team Turnstone - well done and many, many thanks!

Cheers to you!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fort 4 Fitness Saturday

Good morning everyone!

I am getting so excited for the Fort - 4 - Fitness! We have 10 clients running, walking and rolling in the race! Each time I get to visit with a member of Turnstone's Team in Training they just beam! They are excited for the race and about how many dollars they have raised! All totaled the Team has raised more than $5,000 - are gifts are still coming in!

Race day is going to be an amazing day. I can't wait!!!

Cheers ~

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thanks to Bob Evans

Last month, Bob Evans held a Community Fun Night for Turnstone! 15% of dinners purchases came back to Turnstone! It was a great day for sure - thank you Bob Evans!

Cheers -

Friday, September 11, 2009

disAbilities Expo 2010

Good morning everyone -

Turnstone was recently awarded a grant from the AWS Foundation to host a regional disAbilities Expo!!! The Expo will be held at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum on April 10, 2010! Admission will be free! We expect 60+ exhibitors, plan to have adaptive sport demonstrations, a fashion show and 6 speakers visiting to present workshops relative to people with physical disabilities and thier caregivers. We're so excited to begin planning this event!!!

Readers - if you have any ideas on who we should invite to present or exhibit or topics of interst to you, please drop me a comment. This Expo is for YOU!

Cheers -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

On July 30, 2009 the United States became one of 142 other countries that have signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities!

Learn more about the Covention at http://www.un.org/disabilities/index.asp

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day Camp for Special Needs Kids Becomes a Reality

Day Camp for Special Needs Kids Becomes a Reality

Check out the above link. Fort Wayne's FOX News aired a story on Turnstone's adaptive sports and recreation camp.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

NCD: Public Input Wanted

The National Council on Disability (NCD) is gathering public input for a study of emerging issues and trends affecting the lives of people with disabilities. Information gathered will be used in the development of NCD’s next annual progress report to the President and Congress, National Disability Policy: A Progress Report, which is required by Section 401(b) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please send your input by September 15, 2009.

Comments can be emailed to ncd@ncd.gov. Type "Emerging Trends" in the subject line.

Visit http://www.disability.gov/community_life/news_%26_events for more information and click on "NCD Wants Input on Issues Affecting Lives of People with Disabilities"

Cheers ~